Saturday, October 15, 2011

Adorable PTU kit from Sweet Cravings Scraps called Nightmare on my Street HERE
Mask 167 from weescotslass HERE
Font- Porky's
Let's Begin!
-File>New 600x600 px.
-Open frame 3. Layers>Scale Layer 40%. Select your rectangle tool. Make a selection around your frame.
-Open frame 1. Make the bottom layer. Scale 40%. Select the rotate tool. In the angle box, put
-45. Select your magic wand. Click inside the frame. Select>Grow by 5. Open paper 4. Move paper under frame layer. Add alpha channel. Scale 60%. Invert & delete. Select none. Repeat drom shadow on frame layer.
-Open cute zombie twin 2. Move below the black frame. Place her face in the black frame. Erase parts of her that are sticking outside of the black frame. Change the mode to grain merge.
-Open cute zombie twin 2 again. Make the top layer. Scale 60%. Move to the left of your tag. Add a drop shadow of 2, 2, 2, black, 50.
-Open spooky house. Move below the yellow paper.Scale by 50%. Place behind the girl.
-Open frame 5. Make the bottom layer. Scale 55%. Place to the left of your tag. Some of the frame was sticking out below the house, so I erased it. Add drop shadow of 0, 0, 10, black, 80.
Other Elements:
Add a drop shadow of 2, 2, 2, black, 50 to all elements, unless otherwise stated (it will say NDS). See my tag for placement.
word art NDS
broom- Rotate -90 NDS
cute shy ghost
cute goo spider
smiley 2
-Open paper 6 and make the bottom layer. Apply your mask.
-Add your name and copyright.
You're finished!!
Labels:Holiday,PTU tuts,Sweet Cravings Scraps
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