Thursday, October 20, 2011

This tutorial is of my own creation and any resemblance to any other tuts is purely coincidental. This tutorial is for personal use only, using it for monetary gain is against our TOU's.
Awesome PTU kit from Wicked Princess Scraps called 'This Is Me' HERE
Tube of choice. I am using the art of Lady Mishka. You must have a license to use her tubes. You can purchase them HERE
Template 383 by Divine Intentionz HERE
Mask 223 from weescottslass HERE
Font-Petra Script
Let's Begin!
-Open template. Delete credits. Image>Scale Image 500x336 px. Image>canvas Size 600x600 px. Make sure to press center.
-Let's add papers to the template layers. Make the template layer active (see below). Right click template layer in layer box and choose alpha to selection. Open paper (see below). Right click paper layer in layer box and choose add alpha channel. Layer>Scale Layer by 60%.
Select>Invert. Press delete on your keyboard. Select>None. Delete the original template layer.
Here are the template layers and which papers I used:
square center- paper 12 Filters>Light & Shadow>Drop Shadow 0, 0, 10 black, 80
square left & square right- paper 1 Filters>Repeat Drop Shadow
square 1 & square 2- paper 5
large circle left & large circle right- paper 10 Repeat drop shadow
rectangle- paper 8
-Make thin rectangle active. Colors>Colorize. Move the lightness slider to -100. Leave the others on their default settings. Repeat with circle back.
-Make circles active. Alpha to selection. Add new layer. Change the foreground color to ff1461. Change the background color to fcd61b. Select the gradient tool. On your canvas, click the top left of the circles and drag your mouse to the bottom right. Open close up tube. Layer>Duplicate Layer twice so you have a total of 3 tube layers. Put each tube in one of the circles. Invert & delete each tube. I had to erase parts of each tube the spilled over into another circle. Change the mode of all the tubes to screen. Make your gradiend circles layer active. Filter>Noise>RGB Noise on default. Add a drop shadow of 2, 2, 2, black, 50 to this layer. Delete the original circles layer.
-Open full body tube. Move this layer below the word art layer. Scale 65%. Place to right side of tag and repeat drop shadow.
-Make the wordart active. Alpha to selection. Add a new layer below this layer. Select>Grow by 1. Using the bucket fill tool, fill the selection. Select none. Add drop shadow of 0, ,0 10, black, 80.
-Make the circle layer active. Alpha to selection. Add new layer. Fill with same gradient as before. Select none. Delete original circle layer.
Add a drop shadow of 2, 2, 2, black, 50 to all element layers, unless otherwise stated (it will say NDS for 'no drop shadow'). See my tag for placement.
photo border NDS
skull- Rotate -15
whatever arrow
beaded rope
credit card
heart bracelet NDS
heart chain link
beaded string NDS
star button
tear drop flower
-Add your name and copyright.
You're finished!!
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