This tutorial is of my own creation and any resemblance to any other tuts is purely coincidental. This tutorial is for personal use only, using it for monetary gain is against our TOU's.
Amazing PTU kit from Rieka Rafita called Autumn Days
Tube of choice. I am using the art of Ismael Rac. You must have a license to use his tubes. You can purchase them
Template- Waiting For Fall by Sarah's Tags n Things
Mask 192 from weescotslass
Font- Qwigly
Let's get started!
-Open template. Delete the credits. Image>Scale Image 500x375 pixels. Image>Canvas Size 600x600 pixels and make sure to click center.
-Let's add papers to the template layers. Make the template layer active (see below). Right click template layer in layer box and choose alpha to selection. Open paper (see below). Right click paper layer in layer box and choose add alpha channel.
Select>Invert. Press delete on your keyboard. Select>None. Delete the original template layer.
Here are the template layers and which papers I used:
raster 2- paper 1 Filters>Light & Shadow>Drop Shadow 2, 2, 2, black, 50
raster 4- paper 11 Filters>Repeat Drop Shadow
raster 6- paper 9 repeat drop shadow
copy of raster 6- paper 7
copy of vector- paper 5 repeat drop shadow
raster 5- paper 2 repeat drop shadow
raster 3- paper 6 repeat drop shadow
-Make raster 9 layer active. Add a drop shadow of 3, 3, 3, black, 50.
-Make raster 10 active. Colors>Colorize.
Hue: 2
Saturation: 47
Lightness: -69
Filters>Noise>RGB Noise on default. Add drop shadow of 2, 2, 2, black, 50.
-Make raster 11 active. Colorize.
Hue: 103
Saturation: 49
Lightness: -58. Repeat noise and drop shadow
-Open frame 2. Move below the leaf and word art layers in the layer box. Scale 60%. Place in the middle of tag. Select your magic wand. Click inside of frame. Select>Grow by 5.
Open tube. Scale 75%. Your tube layer should be above your frame layer. Layer>Duplicate layer. Move the duplicate tube below the frame layer. Invert & delete. Select none.
Make the original tube layer active. Select your eraser tool. Erase the bottom portion of the tube so it looks like she is sticking outside of the frame. Repeat
drop shadow on the frame layer.
-Open frame 1. Move below the paper layer below the duplicate tube in the layer box. Scale 75%. Select your rotate tool. Rotate by 10. Place to the right of the tag. Select the magic wand.
Press shift and click in all 3 boxes of frame. Grow by 5. Add a new layer below this frame layer. Set your foreground color to fbe14e. Set your background color to 870a08. Select blend tool.
Leave on the default settings. Click the left top corner of the frame and drag your mouse down to the bottom right corner of frame. Open tube. Place indise of this frame.
Invert and delete. Select none. Chage the mode of the tube to grain merge. Repeat noise. Repeat drop shadow on frame.
Add drop shadow of 2, 2, 2, black to all element layers unless otherwise stated. See my tag for placement.
twig 1
bow no- drop shadow
rope with beads- rotate -50
scarecrow- flip with flip tool
flower 3
basket 2
squirrel- no drop shadow
falling leaves- no drop shadow
-Open paper 13 and apply mask. Click
HERE to learn how to use masks.
-Add your name and copyright and you are done!
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