This tutorial is of my own creation and any resemblance to any other tuts is purely coincidental. This tutorial is for personal use only, using it for monetary gain is against our TOU's.
Gimp- Any version should work
Awesome PTU kit from Artmama called 'Wild Thing' HERE
Tube of choice. I am using the work of Ismael Rac. You must have a licence to use his art. You can purchase his tubes HERE
Template 15 by Candylicious Designz HERE
Font- Sick Capital Vice
Let's begin!
-Open template. Delete the credits. Go to Image>Scale Image and change the width to 500 and the height to 450. Also change the x & y resolutions to 72. Next, go to Image>Canvas Size 600x540 pixels and click center. Right click every layer in the layer box and choose layer to image size.
-Make the blue circle layer active. Using the magic wand, click outside of the blue circle. Open paper 9 and right click paper layer in the layer box and choose add alpha channel. Go to Layer>Scale Layer by 50%.
Press delete on your keyboard. Go to Select>None. Now go to Filters>Light and Shadow>Drop Shadow of 2, 2, 15, black, 100.
-Make the purple laft layer active. Click outside of circle using the magic wand. Open paper 7 and add alpha channel. Scale by 50%. Press delete. Go to Select>Invert. right click layer and choose
layer to image size. Now go to Select>Grow by 3. Add a new layer below this layer. Using the bucket fill tool and your foreground color set to black, click inside the selection to fill.
Select none. Go to Filters>Repeat Drop Shadow.
-Make the purple right layer active. Click outside with magic wand. Open paper 14 and add alpha channel. Scale by 50% and press delete. Invert and layer to image size. Grow by 3. Add new layer below this layer and fill with black. Select none and repeat drop shadow.
-Make the purple rectangle layer active. Click outside with magic wand. Open paper 11 and add alpha channel. Scale by 50% and press delete.Select none.
-Make the black rectangle layer active. Click outside with magic wand. Open paper 3 and add alpha channel. Scale by 55% and press delete. Invert and layer to image size. Grow by 3. Add new
layer below this layer and fill with white. Select none and repeat drop shadow.
-Make the white square frame layer active. Using the bucket fill tool and your foreground color set to black, click the frame to change the color of the frame to black. Go to
Filters>Noise>RGB Noise and change the red to 0.50 and leave the rest of the settings where they are at.
-Open your tube. Move tube layer below the frame layer in the layer box. Position the tube in the frame. See mine as a reference. Go to Layer>Duplicate Layer. Position the duplicate tube in the other frame. If needed, erase parts of the tube that stick in the other box. Make the top tube active and go to Layer>Merge Down. Add drop shadow of 2, 2, 2, black, 50. Make the frame layer active.
Using the magic wand, click inside both of the square (making sure your magic wand is set to add to the current selection: shift). grow my 2. Invert and make the tube laye active.
Press delete. Cange the mode to overlay.
-Open tube once again. Move to top layer in layer box. Scale by 85%. Place in the center of the tag. Repeat drop shadow.
Use drop shadow or 2, 2, 2, black, 50 on all element layers. See my tag for placement.
-06 scale by 75%
-32 scale by 65%
-19 no scale
-56 scale by 65%
-60 scale by 50%
-01 scale by 50%
-08 no scale
-34 scale by 70%
-51 scale by 70%
-Add your name, proper copyright and crop and you are done!
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