This tutorial is of my own creation and any resemblance to any other tuts is purely coincidental. This tutorial is for personal use only, using it for monetary gain is against our TOU's.
Gimp- Any version should work
I am using the work of Ismael Rac. You must have a licence to use his tubes. You can purchase his tubes
Fabulous PTU 'Double Trouble' kit from Addicive Pleasures
Template 179 from Blissfully Beth
Font- Sick Capital Vice
Let's Begin!!!
-Open your template. Delete the credits and word art layers. Go to Image>Scale Image by 400x400 pixels. Press scale. Next, go to
Image>Canvas Size and make it 450x450 pixles. Make sure it is centered. Press rezise.
-Make your black layer active. Right click the layer in the layer box and choose alpha to selction. Open paper 2. Right click this paper layer in the layer box and choose add alpha channel. Now go
to Select>Invert. Go to Layer>Scale Layer by 50%. Press delete on your keyboard. Goto Select>None. You can delete the black layer now.
-Make the grey 2 layer active. Alpha to selection and invert. Open paper 3 and add alpha channel. Scale by 50%. Press delete. Select none. Delete the gray 2 layer.
-Make the black 2 layer active. Alpha to selection and invert. Open paper 12 and add alpha channel. Scale by 50%. Press delete. Select none. Go to
Filters>Light and Shadow>Drop shadow and add a drop shadow of 3, 3, 5, black, 80. Delete the black 2 layer.
-Make your gray 1 layer active. Using your fill tool click inside the circle with the color black set as your foreground color. Use the same drop shadow we used before.
-Make the pink stripe layer active. Alpha to selection and invert. Open paper 9 and add alpha channel. Scale by 50%. Press delete. Invert and add a new layer above this paper layer.
Go to Select>Grow by 2. Fill this new layer with black. GO to Select>Shrink by 3. Press delete on your keyboard. Select none. Repeat same drop shadow as before. Delete
the pink stripe layer.
-Make the white circle#2 layer active. With black as your foreground color, use your fill tool and click inside the circle. Do the same with the circle layer, but fill with e75e95.
-Make the white circle#1 layer active. Alpha to selection. Fill with gradient using the pink and black we just used. Select none. Go to Filters>Noise>RBG Noise and use the default settings.
-Make the circle frame#2 layer active. Using your ill tool and your foreground color set to white, click the frame. Add rop shadow. Do the same to the circle frame layer, just change the color to black.
Add drop shadow. Also add a drop shadow to the circle frame#1 layer.
-Open your tube. Duplicate and hide the duplicate by clicking on the eye in the layer box. Scale the original tube layer depending on the tube you are using. I scaled mine to 50%.
Fill your tube using your flip tool. Move below your white circle layer. Make the glitter gradient circle layer active. Alpha to selection and invert. Make your tube layer active.
Press delete. Select none. Change the opacity to 60.
-Unhide your other tube layer. Move this layer to the top in the layers box. Postion your tube in the middle of your template or wherever you think it looks best.
Add drop shadow.Duplicate this layer. Go to Filters>Blur>Gaussian Blur by 3. Change the mode to soft light.
Time for elements!
See my tag for placement. Also add a drop shadow to each element layer unless otherwise specified not to.
-glitter trail scale by 50% NO drop shadow
-decor 2 scale by 50%
-Cards NO scale
-frame 4 scale by 75%
-chain scale by 60%
-decor scale by 30%
-dice scale by 25% duplicate twice
-sparkles 2 scale by 65%
-light scale by 75% NO drop shadow
-ribbon 5 scale by 45%
-glitter scale by 85%
Add your name, copyright and go to Image>Autocrop Image.
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