Sunday, September 12, 2010

Gimp- Any version should work
PTU kit 'Halloween Treats' from Addictive Pleasures HERE
FTU tube from Chester Ocampo HERE
Mask 98 from Vix HERE
Font: Mystic Singler
Let's get started!
-Open gimp with a canvas size of 450x450 pixels.
-Open the frame element. Go to Layer>Scale Layer by 40%. Center in the middle of canvas.
-Using the magic wand, click inside the frame. Go to Select>Grow by 4. Open paper 4 and move below frame layer in the layer box. Right click the paper layer in the layer box and
click Add Alpha Channel. Scale layer by 50%. Go to Select>Invert. Now press delete on your keyboard. Go to Select>None. On the frame layer go to Filters>Light and Shadow>Drop shadow of
2, 2, 4, black, 60.
-Open your tube. Scale it by what you think looks best. I scales mine by 50%. Move this layer below the frame layer, but above the paper layer. Use the same drop shadow on the tube.
Merge your tube and drop shdow layer if they are on seperate layers. Now duplicate. Move this tube to the top. Make your paper layer active. Use your magic wand and click outside of the paper. Select
your original tube layer. Hit delete on your keyboard. Select none. Make your duplicate tube layer active. Using your eraser tool erase the bottom portion of your tube so it looke like she is coming out of the frame.
-Open paper 2. Add alpha channel and scale by 50%. Move layer to the bottom. Using your magic wand click outside the paper. Go to Select>Invert. Now go to Select>Grow by 10.
Add a new layer above this paper layer. Fill with black. Go to Select>Shrink by 11. Press delete on your keyboard. Select none. Add drop shadow.
-Open the bowl element. Move layer to the top. Scale by 40%. Move to bottom left of tag. See mine as a reference for placing elements. Add a drop shadow.
-Open the ric-rac element. Move layer below the bowl layer. Place this element on the bottom of the tag. Add drop shadow.
-Open the stars element. Scale by 50%. Place layer under the bowl layer. Add drop shadow.
-Open the nameplate element. Scale by 30%. Using your rotate tool rotate it by 20. Add drop shadow.
-Open the nameplate2 element. Scale by 25%. Add drop shadow.
-Open the light element. Scale by 50%. Place layer above the green frame layer. Add drop shadow.
-Open the ribbon 4 element. Scale by 405. Rotate by -90. Move layer below the trick nameplate. Add drop shadow.
-Open the pumpkin element. Move layer to the top. Scale by 35%. Add drop shadow.
-Open the glitter element. Scale by 50%. Move layer to bottom. Duplicate. Add drop shadows to both glitter layers.
See my tag for placement.
-Open the spider element. Scale by 30%. Place layer below pumpkin layer. Add drop shadow.
-Open paper 10. Open mask. Make the paper layer active. In the layers box, right click on the paper and click Add layer mask and make sure that black full transparency is selected.
Make the mask layer active and go to Edit>Copy. Make the mask layer invisible by clicking the eye next to it in the layer box. Go to Edit>Paste.
Click the anchor at the bottom of the layer box. Right click on the paper layer in the layer box and click Apply layer Mask.
Delete mask.
-Add your name, coppyright and crop.
and you're finished!!!
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