Thursday, April 12, 2012

Tube of choice. I am using an awesome tube from Kiwifire Storm. You must have a license to use these tubes. You can purchase this tube at The PSP Project HERE
Polka dot brush set from IntergalacticHussy HERE
Fonts- Will&Grace & Alex Brush
Let's begin!
-File>New 600x225 pixels.
-Change your foreground color to 0c76bc and your background color to white. Select the blend tool. Set the gradient to FG TO BG (RGB). Click the top right corner and drag your mouse to the bottom left corner. Name this layer BG 1.
-Layer>New Layer. Changethe foreground to ae0668. Using the blend tool, on the same settings, click the top left corner and drag all the way to the bottom right corner. Name BG 2. Change the mode of this layer to soft light.
-Open close up tube. Move tube layer below BG 2 layer in layer box. Change the mode to scrren. Filters>Artistic>Soft Glow on default settings. Name this layer TUBE 1.
-Lets add the border. Add new layer. Make the top layer. Layer>Transparency>Alpha To Selection. Change your foreground to black.. Select the bucket fill tool. Bucket fill canvas. Select>Shrink by 1. Press delete on keyboard. Bucket fill canvas with white. Shrink by 5. Delete. Add gradient using the pink and blue colors we used earlier. Filters>Noise>RGB Noise on deafult. Shrink by 2. Delete. Bucket fill with white. Shrink by 1. Delete. Bucket fill with black. Shrink by 1. Delete. Select>None. Name this layer BORDER.
-Add new layer. Move above the BG 2 Layer. Change foreground to black. Select the paintbrush tool. Select the polkadots24 brush. Change the scale to 0.25. Click the top left corner. Alpha to selection. Change foreground to pink and background to white. Add a gradient to the selection. Repeat noise. Filters>Enhance>Unsharp Mask. Select none. Filters>Light & Shadow>Drop Shadow of 1, 1, 0, black, 50. Name DOTS 1.
-Add new layer. Move below border layer. Bucket fill with black. Alpha to selection. Shrink by 7. Delete. Select none. Filters>Blur>Gaussian Blur. Change both boxes to 10.0.
This is what I have so far:

-Add new layer. Change foreground to black and select the polkadots19 brush. Set the scale to 0.35. Clcik the canvas using the paintbrush. Select the flip tool and click canvas. Place this layer to the bottom right corner. Alpha to Selection. Change foreground to blue. Add gradient to selection. Repeat noise & unsharp mask. Select none. Repeat drop shadow. Name DOTS 2.
-Add new layer. Move layer below TUBE 1 layer. Change foreground to black. Apply the different polka dot brushes to the left side of tag.
-Add new layer. Move above the BG 2 layer. Select the rectangle select tool. Draw a thin rectangle near the bottom of the canvas. Fill selection with blue/pink gradient. Change the mode to grain merge. Add new layer. Bucket fill with white. Shrink by 2. Delete. Select none. Repeat drop shadow. Repeat at the top of tag, only make the rectangle bigger.

-open tube. Flip. Move below the text layers. Scale 50%. Place at the bottom of tag. Add drop shadow of 2, 2, 2, black, 50. Duplicate. Add gaussian blur of 5.0. Change the mode to burn and lower the opacity to 35. Duplicate. Change the mode to screen and the opacity to 25.
-Add name with Alex Brush font. Also add copyright.
-Close all layers above main tube. Edit>Copy Visible.
-File>New 150x200 px.
-Edit>Paste As>New Layer. Postion as you wish.
-Add border like we did above.
-Open tube. Move below border layer. Flip. Scale 40%. Repeat drop shadow. Duplicate. Gaussian blur of 5.0. Change the mode to burn and the opacity to 35. Duplicate. Change the mode to screen and the opacity to 25.
-Add name and copyright.
All done!!
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