Friday, November 19, 2010

12. Next you need to duplicate your tag layer 5 times, so that you now have 6 tag layers and 6 penguin layers in your layer box. Postion a tag layer under each penguin layer. Your layer box should be penguin layer-tag layer-penguin layer-tag layer 6 times. You should have 12 layers in your layer box. Your layer box should look something like this...

13. Now you need to merge each penguin layer down to the tag layer (Right click on the penguin layer > Merge Down). Do this to all 6 penguin layers. When you are done you should have 6 layers in your layer box.
14. Now you must give all of the layers in your layer box a white background. Animation and transparency do not mix well together, it will distort your tag if you skip this step. (Right click on a layer in your layer box > Remove Alpha Channel) You must do this to all 6 layers. Your Layer box should look something like this...
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