This tutorial is of my own creation and any resemblance to any other tuts is purely coincidental. This tutorial is for personal use only, using it for monetary gain is against our TOU's.
Gimp- Any version should work
Fab PTU kit by Rieka called Funky Fresh
Tube of choice. I am using the art of Arthur Crowe. You must have a license to use his tubes. You can purchase them
Template- She's A Rebel by Brutal Designs
Mask- WSL_Mask221
Fonts- Sketchy & Petra Script EF
-Open template. Delete the credits. Image>Scale Image 500x500 pixels. Change the x & y resolutions to 72. Image>Canvas Size 600x600 pixels and make sure to click center.
-Let's add papers to the template layers. Make the template layer active (see below). Right click template layer in layer box and choose alpha to selection. Open paper (see below). Right click paper layer in layer box and choose add alpha channel. Layer>Scale Layer by 60%.
Select>Invert. Press delete on your keyboard. Select>None. Delete the original template layer.
Here are the template layers and which papers I used:
pink square- paper 14 Filters>Light & Shadow>Drop Shadow 3, 3, 3, black, 80
purple rounded rect- paper 12
pink rounded rect- paper 7 Repeat drop shadow
grey circle top- paper 15 Repeat drop shadow
grey circle bottom- paper 11 Repeat drop shadow
white rect middle- paper 5 Repeat drop shadow
green rect- paper 4 Repeat drop shadow
white rect bottom- paper 1 Repeat drop shadow
blue rounded rect top & bottom- paper 3 Repeat drop shadow
-Make the star top layer active. Filters>Noise>RGB Noise on default. Filters>Decor>Add Bevel on default. Repeat drop shadow. Do the same for the star bottom layer. Repeat dro shadow on the dotted arrow layer.
-Make shes a rebel layer active. Alpha to selection. Select>Grow by 2. Add new layer below this text layer. Bucket fill with white. Select none and repeat drop shadow.
-Open tube. Select the flip tool and click canvas. Place tube in pink square near bottom of tag. Using the eraser erase parts of the tube sticking our of the pink square. Change the mode of this layer to screen.
-Open tube again. Scale 75%. Alpha to selection. Grow by 2. Add new layer below. Fill with white. Grow by 3. add new layer below. Fill with black. Select none. Layers>Duplicate Layer. On the bottom black fill layer go to Filters>Blur>Gaussian Blur of 30.
-Select the text tool. Using the sketchy font set at size 50 type 'rebel'. Look at my tag for placement.
Add drop shadow of 2, 2, 2, black, 50 to all element layers. see my tag for placement.
doodle 1- rotate 90
star 1- no drop shadow
star 2- no drop shadow
star 2
emo cupcake
broken heart- rotate -20
skull 1
butterfly 1
glittersplash- no drop shadow
funky bracket- flip
button 3
frame 3
bottle cap
crumpled notebook paper
Open paper 4 and move to the bottom layer. Apply masks. Click
HERE to learn how to apply masks.
-Add name with the Petra Script EF font. Add your copyright.
You're finished! I hope you enjoyed this tutorial!
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